
Reminder: Before accepting this Agreement, please carefully read all the provisions of this Agreement (especially those marked in bold and/or underlined). If you have any question about any provision hereof, you may contact 1688 via its customer service for explanations. If you disagree with any provision hereof or cannot accurately understand the explanations given by 1688 on any provision hereof, please do not proceed.



1688 Open Platform Partner Development Agreement


Version: 2023 V1


Last updated on: July 31, 2023



Article 1 Parties


This Agreement is entered into by and between a legal entity who agrees and undertakes to use the services of the Open Platform (as defined below) in accordance with this Agreement (“Partner”, “you” or “your”), and Alibaba (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. (collectively, “1688”).



Article 2 Content and Effectiveness of Agreement

2.1 本协议内容包括协议正文及所有1688已经发布的或将来可能发布的服务使用规则。所有规则为本协议不可分割的一部分,与协议正文具有相同法律效力。

This Agreement consists of its main body and all rules in relation to use of the services hereunder that have been or will be published by 1688. All of such rules shall be an integral part of, and have the same legal effect as the main body of, this Agreement.

2.2 1688有权根据开放平台的发展需要,不时修改本协议和相关规则的内容,修改后的内容将以1688平台公告等方式提前通知合作伙伴,并于通知指定日期生效。合作伙伴如继续使用1688服务的,则视为合作伙伴对修改后的内容不持异议并同意遵守。如合作伙伴对修改存有异议,或者合作伙伴不同意1688公布的规则的,则合作伙伴应立即停止使用服务,同时向1688提交书面终止通知。

1688 has the right to amend this Agreement and relevant rules from time to time based on the development needs of the Open Platform, with prior notice to the Partner by announcement on 1688 platform or otherwise, and such amendment will become effective as of the effectiveness date specified in the notice. If you continue to use the services hereunder after any such amendment, you shall be deemed to have no objection to and agree to comply with such amendment. If you have any objection to any such amendment or disagree with any relevant rule published by 1688, you shall immediately stop using the services hereunder and submit a written notice of termination to 1688.


Once you accept this Agreement by clickwrap assent given on the relevant webpage or otherwise, or have actually used the services hereunder, you shall be deemed to have entered into this Agreement with 1688 and agreed to accept all provisions hereof.



Article 3. Definitions

3.1 1688开放平台(下称“开放平台”):指由1688所拥有并独立经营的open.1688.com网站及相关页面。向开发者提供1688开放平台相关服务接口、消息接口、数据接口、开发文档、开发工具、解决方案等资源。由开发者基于1688相关能力作为底层开展应用的开发、定制等,以便服务于开发者自身或服务于1688最终买卖家用户。向服务提供商开放1688相关服务机会,服务提供商可根据开放平台制定的标准化规则来实现服务,实现集成后的服务,开放平台根据实际业务需求封装成包括但不限于服务接口、解决方案等,供1688集团内部或1688买卖家使用。

“1688 Open Platform” or “Open Platform” shall mean the website at the URL of open.1688.com owned and independently operated by 1688 and related webpages, on which relevant service interfaces, messaging interfaces, data interfaces, development documentation, development tools, solutions and other resources of 1688 Open Platform will be provided to Developers for them to develop and customize Applications (as defined below) based on underlying capabilities provided by 1688 so as to serve the needs of themselves or end buyers and sellers on 1688 platform, and 1688-related service opportunities will be offered to ISPs (as defined below) for them to enable services in accordance with relevant standardized rules formulated by the Open Platform (such integrated services will be presented as service interfaces, solutions or other forms after encapsulation depending on actual business needs, for use within 1688 group or by buyers and sellers on 1688 platform).

3.2 用户:指1688平台中所有直接或间接使用合作伙伴基于开放平台开发的应用的单位或者个人,以及浏览合作伙伴应用和/或相关信息的网络访客。

“User” shall mean an entity or individual on 1688 platform that directly or indirectly uses any Application developed by the Partner based on the Open Platform, and any web visitor who browses the Partner’s Application and/or relevant information.

3.3开发者或ISVIndependent Software Vendors):指按照开放平台流程经注册、认证后,基于开放平台中提供的包括但不限于服务接口、消息接口、数据接口、开发文档、开发工具、解决方案等资源进行应用开发、定制、解决方案订购的公司或个人。

“Developer”, “Independent Software Vendor” or “ISV” shall mean an entity or individual that develops or customizes any Application or offers any solution for subscription using the resources provided on the Open Platform (including without limitation service interfaces, messaging interfaces, data interfaces, development documentation, development tools and solutions) upon registration and authentication following the procedures of the Open Platform.

3.4服务提供商或ISPInternet Service Provider):指按照开放平台流程经注册、认证、审核通过后,基于开放平台提供的服务机会进行实现服务,将其能力集成到开放平台的公司。在实现服务过程中,允许使用开放平台提供的服务接口、消息接口、开发文档等资源。

“Internet Service Provider” or “ISP” shall mean an entity that exploits the service opportunities offered on the Open Platform to enable services and integrate its capabilities into the Open Platform upon registration, authentication and approval following the procedures of the Open Platform. An ISP is allowed to use service interfaces, messaging interface, development documentation and other resources provided on the Open Platform during enabling of services.


“Partner” shall mean an entity or individual that develops or customizes any Application or offers any solution for subscription using the resources provided on the Open Platform (including without limitation service interfaces, messaging interfaces, data interfaces, development documentation, development tools and solutions), and/or an entity that exploits the service opportunities offered on the Open Platform to enable services and integrate its capabilities into the Open Platform.


“Application” shall mean software, applets, webpages and related services developed or provided by the Partner based on the capabilities provided by the Open Platform.

3.7 App key & App secret:指合作伙伴在申请开发新应用时获得的由1688授予的应用程序接入账户和密钥。App key是应用的唯一标识,1688通过App key来鉴别应用发布者的身份。App secret1688给应用分配的密钥,该密钥在一定技术条件下可保证应用来源的可靠性。

“App Key” and “App Secret” shall mean respectively the account and key for Application access granted by 1688 to a Developer when it applies for development of an Application. App Key is the unique identifier of an Application, with which 1688 identifies the publisher of such Application. App Secret is the key assigned by 1688 to an Application, which ensures the reliability of the source of such Application under certain technical conditions.



Article 4 Services Provided by 1688

4.1 1688为合作伙伴提供应用开发的相关网络环境和技术支持。

1688 will provide relevant network environment and technical support for development of Applications by the Partner.

4.2 合作伙伴在开放平台申请并成功成为开发者,在申请发布一个新应用时,开放平台将为合作伙伴授予一个针对该应用的唯一的App key App secret ,以便于合作伙伴对应用的管理和维护。

After you are admitted to the Open Platform and become a Developer, when you apply for publishing a new Application, you will obtain a unique App Key and App Secret granted by the Open Platform for such Application so as to facilitate your management and maintenance of such Application.



Article 5 Your Undertakings and Rules on Use of Services

5.1 合作伙伴须同时遵守《阿里巴巴服务条款》、《1688平台规则》、《1688开放平台合作伙伴入驻协议》及本协议约定等。

You must comply with the Alibaba Service Terms, the 1688 Platform Rules, the Agreement on Admission of Partners to 1688 Open Platform, this Agreement and other relevant provisions.

5.2 合作伙伴有权利使用其用户名和密码登陆开放平台,对用户名和密码的安全负全部责任,同时对以其用户名进行的所有活动和事件负全责。

You may use your user name and password to log in to the Open Platform, and shall be solely responsible for the security of your user name and password and for any and all activities and actions under your user name.

5.3 合作伙伴同意通过开放平台提供的途径合法获取应用标识(APP key)及密钥(APP secret)。合作伙伴对APP key 和APP secret的机密负完全责任。合作伙伴同意任何时候都不使用其他合作伙伴的APP key APP secret,也不将自身的APP key APP secret透露给任何第三方。合作伙伴同意在发现或怀疑他人未经授权就使用其APP key APP secret时立即通知16881688对合作伙伴的APP key 和APP secret的所有使用情况,包括但不限于任何未经授权的访问、更改或者删除、破坏、损害、丢失或未能存储均不承担任何责任。

You agree to lawfully obtain App Key and App Secret through the channels provided by the Open Platform. You shall be solely responsible for the confidentiality of your App Key and App Secret. You agree not to use the App Key or App Secret of any other Partner, or disclose your App Key or App Secret to any third party at any time. You agree to immediately notify 1688 if you identify or suspect any unauthorized use of your App Key and App Secret. 1688 will not be liable for any use of your App Key and App Secret (including without limitation any unauthorized access, alteration, deletion, destruction, damage, loss or failed storage thereto or thereof).

5.4 合作伙伴同意开放平台运营数据(包括但不限于用户注册信息、用户针对合作伙伴应用的使用数据)的全部权利均归属1688合作伙伴承诺在未经1688事先书面批准的情况下,不得为任何目的擅自保存、披露、使用或授权他人使用前述运营数据。

You agree that all rights in and to the operation data (including without limitation Users' registration information, and data generated from Users' use of your Applications) of the Open Platform shall vest in 1688. You undertake that without prior written approval of 1688, you shall not store, disclose, use or authorize the use of such operation data for any purpose.

5.5 合作伙伴应在应用提交1688测试之前,按1688要求提供完整的产品说明文档及测试环境。合作伙伴应确保其提供给1688测试验收的产品新版本或新功能已通过合作伙伴自身测试验收。如前述新版本或新功能在1688测试过程中,在产品的主干流程中出现缺陷,导致产品主要功能无法正常使用的,则1688有权拒绝再次测试或发布该产品的新版本或新功能。

You shall provide complete product specification and test environment as required by 1688 prior to submission of your Application to 1688 for testing. You shall ensure that any new version or new function of your Application shall pass your own testing before it is provided to 1688 for testing. If it is found during the testing by 1688 of such new version or new function that there is any defect in the main flow of your Application, causing failure of the main functions of your Application, 1688 shall have the right to reject additional testing or release of such new version or new function.

5.6 合作伙伴负责及时对其产品进行更新、维护和管理。合作伙伴应用版本的发布(含新版本及原有版本中新功能的发布)需遵循1688的发布规则及流程。未经1688同意,合作伙伴不得擅自发布新版本或新功能,不得擅自修改已接入1688开放平台的合作伙伴应用的程序代码和配置文件。

You shall be responsible for timely update, maintenance and management of your Application. The release of your Application (including any new version and new function of your Application) shall be subject to the release rules and procedures of 1688. Without the consent of 1688, you shall not release any new version or new function of your Application, or modify any program code or configuration file of your Application which has interfaced with 1688 Open Platform.

5.7 合作伙伴免费向1688提供不少于十个的测试帐号,供1688测试。如遇1688开放平台升级改造,合作伙伴应全力配合。

You shall provide 1688 with no less than ten (10) test accounts free of charge for its testing. In case of any upgrading of or improvement to 1688 Open Platform, you shall provide full cooperation therefor.

5.8 合作伙伴应免费对1688指定人员提供相应的产品培训并提供相关资料。培训时间及方式由合作伙伴和1688双方另行协商确定 

You shall provide personnel designated by 1688 with training and materials related to your Application free of charge, with the specific schedule and form of such training to be separately negotiated and determined by you and 1688.

5.9 合作伙伴应向用户提供应用本身相关的技术支持服务。合作伙伴应用内部必须具有明确的服务方式及服务入口指引(如电子邮箱、电话、阿里旺旺,其中阿里旺旺和电子邮箱为必须明确标识的服务手段)。合作伙伴提供技术支持服务的时间为全天候24小时(含法定和国定节假日)。收费服务客服一周至少5个正常工作日以上,每天至少8个小时(9:00—17:00)在线;合作伙伴负责因合作伙伴应用原因引发的各类用户咨询和投诉。合作伙伴应在收到用户咨询或投诉(部分用户咨询和投诉可能由1688转交)之后的2小时之内做出应答,6小时内妥善解决。

You shall provide the Users with technical support services related to your Application. Express guidance on the mode of and access to such services (such as relevant email address, phone number and AliWangwang account, among which AliWangwang account and email address are required) shall be provided in your Application. You shall provide such technical support services twenty-four (24) hours a day (including statutory holidays). Paid customer services shall be available for at least eight (8) hours (from 9: 00 to 17: 00) a day and at least five (5) normal working days a week. You shall be responsible for all inquiries and complaints from Users due to reasons attributable to your Application. Upon receipt of any inquiry or complaint from a User (including those that may be forwarded by 1688), you shall respond within two (2) hours and properly resolve it within six (6) hours.

5.10 合作伙伴声明并保证其在开放平台开发、发布的应用符合如下要求:

You represent and warrant that any Application developed and released by you on the Open Platform:


shall be true, legitimate, accurate and complete, without any content that is obscene, pornographic, immoral, fraudulent, defamatory (including business defamation), or unlawfully intimidating or harassing;


will not infringe the legitimate rights or interests (including without limitation intellectual property rights) of any third party;

3)不会违反任何法律、法规、条例或规章 (包括但不限于关于规范互联网站、互联网信息、不正当竞争的法律、法规、条例或规章)

will not violate any laws, regulations, decrees or ordinances (including without limitation those regulating Internet websites, Internet information or unfair competition);


will not contain any malicious computer program or virus of any kind, or interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Open Platform, any Application of any other Partner or any part or function thereof in any way;

5)不会直接或间接与下述各项内容链接:(i) 任何法律、法规、条例或规章所禁止的商品或服务;或 (ii) 无权链接或包含的商品或服务;

will not link, directly or indirectly, to any commodity or service which (i) is prohibited by any laws, regulations, decrees or ordinances; or (ii) you have no right to link to or contain;

6)不会将通过开放平台技术接口、公开渠道以及基于本协议项下合作获取的相关数据(包括但不限于任何用户信息、用户交易信息、用户针对合作伙伴产品的使用数据、1688平台买家和卖家等会员数据)用于本协议之外的商业目的(包括但不限于单独开发应用,单独销售,与其他任何第三方进行合作);不会非法获取1688会员信息用于交易或获取不当利益;不会利用其他合作伙伴的App key或相关权限获取用户或1688平台会员数据。

will not use any data (including without limitation any information on Users or Users’ transactions, data generated from Users’ use of your Application, and membership data on buyers and sellers on 1688 platform) obtained through the technical interfaces of the Open Platform, public channels and the cooperation hereunder for commercial purposes other than those specified herein (including without limitation separately developing or selling Applications, or cooperating with any other third party), or unlawfully obtain any information on 1688 members for trading or gaining any improper benefit, or use any App Key or relevant permissions granted to any other Partner to obtain any data on any User or 1688 platform member;


shall not request, collect, solicit or otherwise obtain from any User the access to 1688 user name, password, or other authentication credentials, or provide proxy authentication credentials for any User to automatically log in to 1688 platform, or provide any “tracking” function, including without limitation identifying view or operation by other Users of the files of your Application; and


shall not cause you to realize enhancement of effects of your Application or obtain other improper benefits, or disturb the market order of 1688 platform, by using its own resources or others’ Applications or resources and in breach or violation of this Agreement, the Agreement on Admission of Partners to 1688 Open Platform or the 1688 Platform Rules or in other improper ways.

5.11 开发者开发、发布的应用需要收集或使用用户数据的,应当符合以下条件:

If an Application developed and released by you needs to collect or use User data, the following conditions shall be satisfied:

5.11.1 开发者必须事先获得用户的明示同意,且应当充分告知用户相关数据收集的目的、范围及使用方式,确保用户知情权;涉及收集用户敏感个人信息的,应当取得用户明确的授权同意;

You must obtain prior express consent from each User concerned and shall fully inform the User of the purpose and scope of relevant data collection and method of use of such data so as to guarantee the information right of the User, and shall obtain express consent from the User for collection of any sensitive personal information thereof;

5.11.2 开发者不得请求、收集、索取或以其他方式从任何用户处获取对1688账户、密码或其他身份验证凭据的访问权;不得为任何用户自动登录到1688网站提供代理身份验证凭据;不得提供“跟踪”功能,包括但不限于识别其他用户在开发者应用档案文件页上查看或操作;

You shall not request, collect, solicit or otherwise obtain from any User the access to 1688 user name, password, or other authentication credentials, or provide proxy authentication credentials for any User to automatically log in to 1688 platform, or provide any “tracking” function, including without limitation identifying view or operation by other Users of the files of your Application;

5.11.3 开发者不得利用其他开发者的App key或相关权限获取1688平台用户数据;

You shall not use any App Key or relevant permissions granted to any other Developer to obtain User data on 1688 platform;

5.11.4 开发者应当仅获取为应用程序运行及功能实现目的而最小必要的数据,开发者在特定应用中收集的用户数据仅可以在该特定应用中使用,不得将收集的用户数据转移或使用在该特定应用之外不得将用户数据出售、转让或用于特定应用之外的任何其他目的;

You shall only obtain data to such minimum extent as necessary for the operation and realization of functions of your Application. The User data collected by you in your certain Application may only be used in such Application, and may not be transferred or used out of such Application, or be sold, transferred or used for any purpose other than such Application;

5.11.5 开发者应当向用户提供修改、删除用户数据的方式,确保用户要求删除其用户数据时可通过该方式自行操作完成,并确保相关数据被完全删除;

You shall inform the Users of the method of revising or deleting User data, so that a User may delete User data on his/her/its own by such method when he/she/it intends so, in which case you shall ensure that relevant data are completely deleted;

5.11.6 1688有权根据平台规则限制或阻止开发者获取用户数据及开放平台运营数据,有权在法律允许范围内自主决定相关数据的保存期限;如1688认为开发者使用用户数据的方式、数据收集的目的或收集的范围有可能违反平台规则及法律法规,损害用户体验、侵犯用户权益或者不符合应用程序运行或功能实现的目的,1688有权要求开发者立即删除相关数据并不得再以该方式使用或再行收集该等数据;

1688 shall have the right to restrict or prevent you from obtaining User data and operation data of the Open Platform in accordance with relevant platform rules, and to determine at its sole discretion the retention period of relevant data to the extent permitted by laws. If 1688 believes that the your use of User data or the purpose or scope of your data collection is likely to violate any relevant platform rules, laws or regulations, impair user experience, infringe upon User’s rights or interests or be for purposes other than the operation and realization of functions of your Application, 1688 shall have the right to request you to immediately delete relevant data and to cease your further use or collection of such data in such manner; and

5.11.7 一旦用户退订或停止使用开发者的应用,开发者必须立即删除从该用户处获取的全部数据;且1688有权基于数据安全的考虑不经通知径行做出删除数据的处理措施。

Once any User unsubscribes or ceases using your Application, you must immediately delete all data obtained from such User, and 1688 shall have the right to delete such data without notice to you for the sake of data security.

5.12 开发者承诺遵守《个人信息保护管理规范》,严格在1688/或其关联公司或用户的授权或委托范围内,依法处理/受托处理相关个人信息,不将处理的相关个人信息用于任何与实现授权或委托目的无关的场景。涉及委托处理个人信息的情形,开发者作为受托方的,无相关委托方的书面授权,不得擅自转委托他人处理个人信息。涉及向他人提供个人信息的,开发者还应当依法取得个人信息主体的单独同意。开发者使用任何第三方合作伙伴服务的,应同合作伙伴签署合同,以充分保护1688、用户及相关个人信息主体的数据权益,限制其对这些信息的违法违规使用。

You undertake to lawfully process or conduct entrusted processing of relevant personal information strictly to the extent authorized or entrusted by 1688 and/or its affiliates or the Users and in accordance with the Regulations on Protection and Management of Personal Information, and not to use any processed personal information for any scenario irrelevant to the purposes of the foregoing authorization or entrustment. In the case of entrusted processing of personal information, you, as the entrusted party, may not subcontract the processing of personal information to a third party without the written authorization of the entrusting party. In the case of provision of personal information to others, you shall lawfully obtain the separate consent of the personal information subject concerned. If you intend to use any services provided by any third-party partner, you shall enter into a contract with such third-party partner so as to fully protect the rights and interests of 1688, Users and personal information subjects concerned in or to relevant data, and prevent any use of such data by such third-party partner in violation of laws or regulations.

5.13 开发者应当按照适用的法律法规要求,建立相对应的数据安全管理能力,具备必要的安全管理和技术保障措施,以及数据安全监测预警和应急响应机制,防止为实现授权或委托目的而处理的数据遭受未经授权的使用、泄漏、损毁、丢失。一旦发生数据安全事件,应当立即采取补救措施,依法及时报告有关监管部门并通知1688、用户及相关个人信息主体。1688也将依法配合进行紧急安全处理与相关调查。

You shall build data security and management capabilities commensurate with your processing and have in place necessary organizational and technical safeguards and data security monitoring and emergency response mechanism as required by applicable laws and regulations, so as to protect data processed for the purposes of relevant authorization or entrustment from unauthorized use, divulge, damage or loss. In case of any data breach, you shall immediately take remedial measures, and promptly report to relevant regulatory authorities and notify 1688, Users and personal information subjects concerned in accordance with laws. 1688 will cooperate in emergency response and relevant investigation in accordance with laws.

5.14 开发者应当配合1688或者1688委派的第三方审计机构对开发者在本协议下个人信息处理活动相关的合规审计,以确认开发者符合适用的法律法规和本协议的要求。

You shall cooperate with 1688 or the third-party auditor appointed by 1688 in the compliance audit of your processing of personal information hereunder, so as to ensure your compliance with applicable laws and regulations and this Agreement.

5.15 开发者违反法律法规或本协议的约定非法获取或不当使用前述数据的,1688有权采取直接终止本协议、删除开发者已获取的相关数据、下架应用等措施,且前述措施可以合并使用;开发者应当以自己的名义独立承担全部责任,并对1688、用户或任何第三方造成的损失进行赔偿。

If you unlawfully obtain or improperly use the foregoing data in violation of laws or regulations or in breach of this Agreement, 1688 shall have the right to take one or more of measures including directly terminating this Agreement, deleting relevant data that have been obtained by you and delisting your Application, and you shall solely bear all liabilities therefor in your own name and compensate 1688, Users or any third party for any and all loss so suffered.

5.16 如存在下列情况,1688有权仅以普通或非专业人员的知识水平标准对相关内容进行判别,可以认为这些内容或行为具有违法或不当性质的,1688有权删除相关信息或停止对该合作伙伴提供服务,并追究相关法律责任:

Under the following circumstances, if 1688 determines, with the level of knowledge of an ordinary or non-professional person, that certain contents or acts are illegal or improper, it shall have the right to delete relevant information or cease providing services hereunder to you and hold you legally liable therefor:


1688 is informed by a third party that there may be a major problem in relation to you or your Application; or


1688 is informed by a User or a third party that an illegal or improper act is committed by you on the Open Platform, such as unlawfully obtaining Users’ private information.

5.17 1688有权对合作伙伴和用户的注册数据及交易行为进行查阅,发现注册数据或交易行为中存在任何问题或怀疑,均有权向合作伙伴发出询问或要求改正的通知,或者直接作出删除等处理。

1688 shall have the right to review the registration data and transactions of you and Users and, if it identifies any issue related to or has any doubt about such registration data or transactions, shall have the right to request, by a notice, clarification or correction by you, directly delete the same or take other measures.

5.18 对于合作伙伴在1688开放平台上发布的下列信息,1688有权在不通知合作伙伴的前提下进行删除或采取其它限制性措施 包括但不限于涉嫌违法、侵犯第三人合法权益、违反社会主义精神文明,或其他1688认为不妥当的信息。

1688 shall have the right to delete or take other restrictive measures against the following information published by you on 1688 Open Platform without notice to you: information suspected of violating laws or infringing upon legitimate rights or interests of a third party or contravening socialist spiritual civilization, or other information deemed inappropriate by 1688.

5.19 1688根据其判断认为合作伙伴网络账户存在异常活动的,1688可以单方暂停该等账户的使用。合作伙伴使用服务违反本协议约定的,1688可以单方暂停或终止合作伙伴使用服务和相关账户。

If 1688 determines at its sole discretion that there is any abnormal activity in connection with your web account, 1688 may unilaterally suspend such account. If you use the services hereunder in breach of this Agreement, 1688 may unilaterally suspend or terminate the provision of the services hereunder to you and your relevant account.

5.20 合作伙伴同意授权1688为履行本协议目的或在推广合作伙伴应用时,在1688开放平台上使用合作伙伴的商标、标识等。此外,1688如需使用合作伙伴的商标、标识等需提前获得合作伙伴的事先书面同意。

You agree to grant a license to 1688 to use your trademarks, logos or other contents on 1688 Open Platform for the purpose of performing this Agreement or promoting your Applications. In addition, if 1688 intend to use any of your trademarks, logos or other contents, it shall obtain your prior written consent.

5.21 不论因何种原因导致本协议解除或提前终止,合作伙伴有义务配合1688进行相关的交接工作。本协议终止后,如合作伙伴和用户之间的服务协议仍在履行期限内的,合作伙伴应当保证将剩余服务期限履行完毕或自行与用户达成相应的终止协议。如因终止协议引发了用户投诉或其他相关责任的,合作伙伴应自行处理并承担相应的责任。

You have the obligation to cooperate with 1688 in the relevant handover if this Agreement is canceled or early terminated for whatsoever reason. After the termination of this Agreement, if the service agreement between you and a User remains in effect, you shall ensure that you will continue to perform such service agreement until the end of its term, or enter into an agreement with such User on termination of such service agreement. If the termination of this Agreement causes any complaint from any User or other relevant liability, you shall be solely responsible for handling the same and bear the corresponding liabilities.

5.22 合作伙伴同意接收来自1688及其合作伙伴基于为合作伙伴提供更好的服务而发出的邮件、信息。

You agree to receive emails and messages from 1688 and its partners which are sent for the purpose of providing better services to you.

5.23 合作伙伴不得明示或暗示1688加入、赞助或认可合作伙伴的应用,包括但不限于在合作伙伴应用名称中或顶级域名左侧的URL中使用“1688”、“阿里”、“Alibaba”1688关联公司的名称的任何变体、缩写或错误拼写,或其他混淆合作伙伴和1688关系的行为。

You shall not indicate, expressly or impliedly, that 1688 has participated in the development of, sponsored or recognized your Application, including without limitation using any variation, abbreviation or misspelling of “1688”, “Ali (阿里)”, “Alibaba” or names of 1688’s affiliates in the name or URL to the left of the top-level domain name of your Application, or otherwise causing confusion about the relationship between you and 1688.

5.24 合作伙伴明确理解并同意,如因其违反有关法律或者本协议之规定,则1688有权提前终止本协议,若使1688遭受任何损失,受到任何第三方的索赔,或任何行政管理部门的处罚,合作伙伴应对1688进行赔偿,包括合理的律师费用。

You expressly understand and agree that, if you violate any relevant laws or breach this Agreement, 1688 shall have the right to early terminate this Agreement, and you shall indemnify 1688 against any loss suffered by, or any third-party claim against, or any penalty imposed by administrative authorities on, 1688 as a result of such violation or breach, including reasonable attorney’s fees.



Article 6 Online Transactions of Applications

6.1 合作伙伴可于1688平台支持的服务交易平台(目前仅指1688平台应用市场,简称“应用市场”,域名为app.1688.com)发布应用产品并接受用户的订购。

You may release Applications and accept Users’ subscription thereto on the service trading platform made available by 1688 platform (currently, only referring to the application market of 1688 platform with its domain name being app.1688.com, “Application Market”).

6.2 合作伙伴明确理解并同意,合作伙伴在应用市场发布应用产品(包括但不限于对应用的描述等)、接受用户订购(包括但不限于向用户收费、退款等)等需严格遵守应用市场相关服务协议及规则的约定,并在其正式向用户提供应用的使用许可之前,应与用户单独签署相应的《软件许可协议》,并严格按照协议的约定履行。

You expressly understand and agree that you shall release Applications (including without limitation Application descriptions) and accept Users’ subscription thereto (including without limitation charges from and refunds to Users) in the Application Market in strict accordance with relevant service agreement with and rules of the Application Market, and shall enter into a separate Software License Agreement with each User before duly granting the User a license to use the relevant Application and strictly perform such agreement.

6.3 由于合作伙伴违反本协议约定、应用市场相关服务协议及规则或1688平台服务协议或规则,1688有权自开放平台及应用市场等1688提供的服务市场内撤销合作伙伴提供的应用或限制其功能,此时将造成用户购买的应用无法正常使用,该等情况的发生属于合作伙伴过错或过失,相关责任应由合作伙伴独立承担。

If you breach this Agreement or any of the relevant service agreements with and rules of the Application Market or 1688 platform, 1688 shall have the right to delist from the service marketplaces provided by 1688 (such as the Open Platform and the Application Market), or restrict functions of, the Applications offered by you, in which case the Applications subscribed by Users will be unable to function normally, and such consequence shall be deemed due to your fault or negligence, and you shall be solely liable therefor.



Article 7 Termination of Services

7.1 在合作伙伴违反本协议相关约定时,1688有权终止向该合作伙伴提供服务。如该合作伙伴再一次直接或间接或以他人名义注册并登录1688开放平台的,1688有权直接单方面终止向该合作伙伴提供服务。

If you breach any provision of this Agreement, 1688 shall have the right to terminate its service provision to you. If you register another account on and logs in to 1688 Open Platform directly or indirectly under the name of others, 1688 shall have the right to unilaterally terminate its service provision to you directly.

7.2 1688通过合作伙伴提供的信息与合作伙伴联系时,发现合作伙伴在注册时填写的电子邮箱已不存在或无法接收电子邮件的,经1688以其它联系方式通知合作伙伴更改,而合作伙伴在三个工作日内仍未能提供新的电子邮箱地址的,1688有权终止向该合作伙伴提供服务。

If 1688 finds that the email address provided by you at the time of registration no longer exists or is unable to receive emails upon failure to reach you with such contact information, and you fail to provide a new email address within three (3) working days after 1688 gives a notice thereof to you by other means, 1688 shall have the right to terminate its service provision to you.

7.3 1688发现合作伙伴提供的数据或信息中含有虚假内容的,1688有权随时终止向该合作伙伴户提供服务。

If 1688 finds that any data or information provided by you is false, 1688 shall have the right to terminate its service provision to you at any time.



Article 8 Post-Termination Matters

8.1 服务终止后,除法律法规另有规定外,1688没有义务为合作伙伴保留原账户中或与之相关的任何信息,或转发任何未曾阅读或发送的信息给合作伙伴或用户或第三方,亦不就终止服务而对合作伙伴或用户或任何第三方承担任何责任。

Upon termination of the services hereunder, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, 1688 is not obliged to keep any information in your original account or in relation to you, or forward any information that has not been read or delivered to you, any User or any third party, and bears no liability to you, any User or any third party for termination of the services.

8.2 不论1688与合作伙伴之间的服务因任何原因以任何方式终止,1688仍有权:

Notwithstanding termination of the services between 1688 and you in any manner for any reason whatsoever, 1688 shall have the right to:


keep at its discretion your data and records of your previous operations; and

2)对于合作伙伴在服务终止前实施的违法或违约行为所导致的任何赔偿和责任, 合作伙伴必须完全独立地承担,1688有追索权。

claim against you for any compensation and liability caused by your violation or breach prior to the termination, which must be fully and solely borne by you.



Article 9 Limitation and Exclusion of Liability

9.1 对于开发、运营、支持和维护合作伙伴应用,合作伙伴同意独立承担所有的风险和后果。1688没有责任和义务对于发布在1688开放平台上的任何不准确或不正确的内容承担任何责任,无论该等不准确是由用户所造成的,还是由于应用所使用的或与应用相连接的任何设备或程序所造成的。

You agree to solely bear all risks and consequences in respect of the development, operation, support and maintenance of your Applications. 1688 will not be liable or responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect content published on 1688 Open Platform, whether caused by any User, or by any device or program used by or connected to any Application.

9.2 1688依照法律法规的规定及本协议约定提供服务,将按现有技术,提供相应的安全措施,以保障服务安全和正常运行,但对于下述原因导致的服务履行障碍、履行瑕疵、履行延后或履行内容变更等情形,1688并不承担相应的违约责任或任何损害赔偿承担责任(包括但不限于利润、商誉、使用、数据等方面的损失或其它无形损失的损害赔偿,无论1688是否已被告知该等损害赔偿的可能性)

In providing the services hereunder in accordance with laws, regulations and this Agreement, 1688 will provide commensurate security measures using technologies currently available to ensure the secure and normal operation of the services hereunder; provided, however, that 1688 will not bear any liability for breach or compensation (including without limitation damages for any loss of profits, goodwill, usage or data, or other intangible losses, regardless of whether 1688 has been advised of the possibility of such damages) in the case of any failure, defect, delay or change of or in the performance of the services due to:


force majeure such as any act of God, strike, riot, war, government act and judicial or administrative order;


failure in power supply, communication networks and other public services, or similar third-party factors; or


routine or emergency equipment and system maintenance, equipment and system failure, network information and data security and similar reasons, provided that 1688 has performed management obligations in good faith.

9.3 合作伙伴了解,合作伙伴使用本服务下载或者获取任何资料的行为均出于合作伙伴的独立判断并自行承担风险。鉴于服务中存在海量信息,合作伙伴应谨慎判断并自行负责。

You understand that your download or obtaining of any data with the services hereunder shall be at your sole discretion and risk. Given the massive volume of information in the services hereunder, you shall exercise prudent judgment and solely bear any liabilities therefor.



Article 10 Intellectual Property Rights

10.1 1688开放平台上所有内容,包括但不限于著作、图片、档案、资讯、资料、网站架构、网站画面的安排、网页设计,均由1688或其他权利人依法拥有其知识产权,包括但不限于商标权、专利权、著作权、商业秘密等。非经1688或其他权利人书面同意任何人不得擅自使用、修改、复制、公开传播、改变、散布、发行或公开发表1688网站程序或内容。

The intellectual property rights (including but not limited to trademark, patent, copyright and trade secret rights) in and to all the contents on 1688 Open Platform (including but not limited to works, pictures, files, news, data, website architecture, website layout and webpage design) are legally owned by 1688 or other right owners. Without written consent of 1688 or other right owners, no use, modification, reproduction, distribution, alteration, spread, issuance or publication of any website program or content of 1688 is permitted.

10.2 根据本协议的条款和条件,1688授予合作伙伴有限的、非排他性的、可随时终止的和不可再分发的许可,仅限于合作伙伴自己访问和使用开放平台开发、测试、显示其应用时,允许合作伙伴访问1688提供的或用户自身授权的用户信息,并允许其他1688网用户访问合作伙伴应用。前提是1688有权根据服务需要或保障用户权益的考虑,限制、约束或禁止合作伙伴或其他1688网用户访问合作伙伴的应用。合作伙伴严禁进行如下行为:

Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, 1688 hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive, terminable (at any time) and non-sub-licensable license for you to access the User information made available by 1688 or with the authorization of the Users concerned only when you visit and use the Open Platform for  development, testing and display of your Applications, and for other 1688 Users to access your Applications; provided that 1688 shall have the right to restrict, limit or prohibit your or other 1688 Users’ access to your Applications for meeting service needs or protecting Users’ interests. You are strictly prohibited from:


reverse engineering, disassembling, refactoring, decompiling, translating, modifying or reproducing the Open Platform, its services for Developers or any aspect or part thereof (including without limitation any source code and algorithm), or creating derivative works thereof without express permission;


tampering with or deleting any logo, trademark, copyright or other statement in relation to any aspect or part of the Open Platform or its services for Developers;


distributing, selling, reselling, leasing, licensing, sub-licensing or otherwise providing the information of the Open Platform or any User to any third party (including making the information of the Open Platform or such User stored in any way accessible to any third party); and


circumventing or modifying 1688’s statistics tools.

10.3 合作伙伴保留其创建的合作伙伴应用内容以及其中包括的所有权利、权属或权益,包括但不限于所有知识产权(1688知识产权除外)。在开发者服务中或通过开放平台提交申请或发布合作伙伴应用,即表明合作伙伴授予1688服务期内的、非排他性的、完全给付并免费的全球性许可,允许1688基于为合作伙伴提供更好的服务而使用、复制、再许可、重设格式、 修改、删除、添加、公开显示、重现、分发和执行合作伙伴应用,以及将其存储和缓存在1688指定服务器上。

The contents of the Applications created by you, as well as all rights, titles or interests (including without limitation all intellectual property rights, except for those owned by 1688) therein or thereto shall be owned by you. By submitting requests or releasing any Application through the services for Developers or the Open Platform, you grant 1688 a non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free worldwide license to use, reproduce, sub-license, reformat, revise, delete, make addition to, publish, recreate, distribute and execute your Application and to store and buffer the same on the server(s) designated by 1688 for provision of better services to you during the term of the services hereunder.



Article 11 Notice and Delivery

11.1 1688对于合作伙伴所有的通知均可通过网页公告、电子邮件、手机短信等合作伙伴在注册、申请入驻时提交的联系方式(合作伙伴应确保该等联系方式的真实有效性)或常规的信件传送等方式进行;该等通知于发送之日视为已送达收件人。

All notices from 1688 to you may be sent by website announcement, email, SMS, regular post or otherwise using the contact information provided by you at the time of registration or filing application for admission (you shall ensure that such contact information is true and valid), and will be deemed as having been delivered to you on the date of sending.

11.2 合作伙伴对于1688的通知应当通过1688对外正式公布的通信地址、传真号码、电子邮件地址等联系信息进行送达。

All notices from you to 1688 shall be delivered using the mailing address, fax number, email address or other contact information officially published by 1688.



Article 12 Dispute Resolution


The interpretation and application of, and resolution of any dispute in connection with, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for the purpose hereof). Any dispute between you and 1688 arising from the execution, performance or interpretation of this Agreement or any product service terms shall be resolved by the parties through friendly consultation. If such consultation fails, both you and 1688 agree that the people’s court at the place where the defendant is domiciled shall be the court of first instance.



Article 13 Miscellaneous


Both you and 1688 will participate in and maintain the order of market competition on the cooperation principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness and good faith in strict compliance with the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China (“AML”), the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China (“AUCL”), and other applicable laws and regulations. If you identify any suspected violation of the AML or the AUCL by any employee of 1688, you may report to 1688 by email to b2b-tousu@alibaba-inc.com, and 1688 will investigate and follow up on it on a confidential and objective basis.

13.2 禁止贿赂



The parties undertake that commercial bribery and other improper conducts are prohibited during their cooperation. Any direct or indirect giving of monetary gifts, gifts or negotiable securities, or offering of improper benefits in other disguised means, by you or any of your personnel in your or his/her own name to any of 1688’s personnel or his/her relative will be deemed as detrimental to the interests of 1688, and once ascertained, will constitute commercial bribery, and will be deemed as having caused material damage to 1688.


If you bribe any employee of 1688, 1688 will terminate all cooperation with you and impose a penalty for commercial bribery in the amount equal to thirty percent (30%) of the total service payment between the parties in the past twelve (12) months or RMB 100,000 (whichever is higher), which may be deducted by 1688 directly from the service fees payable to you, and 1688 shall also have the right to hold you legally liable for the bribery depending on the specific circumstance; if you actively cooperate with 1688 in its investigation and provide relevant evidence, 1688 will reduce the penalty as appropriate. If you take the initiative to report to 1688 that any employee of 1688 solicits or accepts any bribe, carries out any secret transaction with 1688 or you, or commits any other improper business conduct, once it is ascertained, you will be rewarded as appropriate.


If there is potential conflict of interest or related-party transaction (e.g., transfer of illegal benefits) between any employee of 1688 and you, once it is ascertained, 1688 shall have the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally and reserves the right to hold you legally liable therefor.


To facilitate the enforcement of the above provisions, dedicated hotline and email box for reporting and complaint have been set up as follows:


Hotline for inquiry and reporting: 4008545198


Email box for reporting: taotian-lianzheng@alibaba-inc.com


Platform for reporting: https://taotian.jubao.alibaba.com


 The Integrity Compliance Department is an independent organization of 1688, and is responsible for investigation, evidence collection and handling of complaints regarding commercial bribery. 1688 will carry out investigation on a confidential and objective basis. In consideration of your assistance, 1688 will offer you more business opportunities as appropriate.

13.3 本协议生效后,合作伙伴与1688先前就开放平台合作达成的相关协议在本协议生效之日终止,但该等协议终止前已经产生的权利义务仍然有效。

Once this Agreement takes effect, any previous agreements on the cooperation in respect of the Open Platform between you and 1688 shall terminate on the date of effectiveness hereof, provided that the rights and obligations accrued prior to such termination shall remain in force.

13.4 本协议中英文不一致的,以中文为准。

In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version of this Agreement, the Chinese version shall prevail.